Gé Simons Internationaal Transport B.V. - Similar companies

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Gé Simons Internationaal Transport B.V.

Transportation/Trucking/Railroad · Hilvarenbeek, Noord-Brabant
Website: www.gesimons.nl

From the start our vision about flexibility and service helped building long lasting relationships with our clients. Until th ... is day, involvement towards customers and an outstanding service are the foundations of our company. When talking logistics, Gé Simons can offer you the complete deal. Our customer file nowadays contains leading multinationals which belong to the top of their market. With over 150 keen employees we keep focussing on our aims: Lasting development of existing and new relations Offering overall concepts and innovative solutions for logistic challenges Contribution of know-how and expertise and raise efficiency with it Offering the best service and highest quality possible Sustainable enterprising Therefore, Gé Simons has a structured way of dealing with logistic challenges. We rally our knowledge and experience with the know-how of our customer, in order to find the best possible solution. read more

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