FXC Corporation is a privately held, California corporation, operating as a Small Business classification. Located in Costa M ... esa, California, FXC is an ISO 9001 certified quality management system company occupying one industrial park facility. Totaling 45,000 square feet this space houses engineering, production, material control, test, quality assurance and administrative operations. FXC’s business base is new product design, manufacturing and distribution of innovative life support protective equipment and aerial delivery systems for military aerospace applications. With its division, Guardian Parachute, the FXC organization is an approved and established supplier of rugged and reliable products to US DoD and International military customers. FXC was the first company to recognize the need to develop and produce a rate of descent sensing Automatic Parachute Ripcord Release for the sport and military market and has since been credited with saving many lives every year all over the world. Guardian Parachute maintains FAA on circular and Parafoil design configuration personnel parachute systems. FXC maintains licensing and representation agreements with organizations in Europe, Asia, Central America, Mexico and South America. read more
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