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Future Fibre Technologies

Security and Investigations · Mulgrave, Victoria
Website: www.fftsecurity.com

Future Fibre Technologies (FFT) manufactures and markets a range of fibre optic intrusion detection and location systems that ... are, quite simply, the world's most effective solution for securing high value assets and critical infrastructure. Deployed by some of the most security conscious industrial, military and government organisations in the world, FFT’s advanced applications include: - Perimeter intrusion (fence mounted and covert buried) - Data network tapping and tampering detection - Oil and gas pipeline third party interference (TPI) - Other applications including health, safety and traffic monitoring FFT has more than 1,500 systems installed in 69 countries, supporting a wide range of customers. FFT is an Ava Group company, a market leader of risk management services and technologies, trusted by some of the most security conscious commercial, industrial, military and government clients in the world. www.theavagroup.com read more

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