Docete Omnes Foundation was founded at the request of the Reverend Father Rafael Villoslada Peula S.J., in 1.968 in response ... to the needs of formation and care of disadvantaged people. It started its activity through the founding of a Homeschool, an useful instrument to get the promotion of childhood and youth from rural environments who, because of the inadequate implementation of compulsory education, were often deprived of access to education and culture that could allow them to give up the agriculture, a sector in recession at that time and to get incorporated to industrial sectors and services with better expectancies. In 1974, when the school building policies in rural environments and the increasing qualifications demands started to show that the Homeschool had no longer a reason to exist, the Foundation converted the school equipment into a Vocational Training School called "La Blanca Paloma" and was recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science as a High and Medium Level Approved Center. Later it has been approved as a Collaborating Center of the Andalusian Local Government to provide Vocational Training Courses and many Lifelong Courses are being provided. Concerning welfare aspects, Docete Omnes Foundation founded in 1982 the Occupational Center Padre Villoslada, an institution aimed at Psychic Disabled People and Mentally Disabled Adults. Nowadays, we take care of one hundred and thirty people among which 80 people are residents of the nursing home. Nowadays, the education field keeps over three hundred students assisted by 20 workers and, concerning the care aspect, 82 workers take care of more than two hundred users. Docete Omnes Foundation usually works in Cultural Project and events organization about literature and painters. We teach in these subject a lot of students each year. read more
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