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Flex-Force Inc.

Staffing and Recruiting · Leamington, Ontario
Website: flex-force.ca

A Boutique Staffing Agency that exclusively serves the OGVG District 1 membership base in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. Exclu ... sivity to the hi-tech greenhouse sector allows Flex-Force Inc. to recruit technicians for a specific job role. This allows the Flex-Force technicians to gain experiential skill. This retained skill reduces the amount of time growers must spend training, retraining & on boarding employees from traditional staffing agencies who may have been in a completely different industry sector prior to be “assigned” to a greenhouse or packhouse and may be in a totally different industry sector the next day. Flex-Force Inc. is filling a niche that serves to better the community, the clients and the Flex-Force Inc. technicians. Flex-Force Inc. technicians are, in turn, are provided with consistent work within the greenhouse sector. Though the job task & the farm location may vary, the core skills required to do those tasks remain the same. Team Members also receive significant premium pay, easy access to work assignments through contactless automated app-based work dispatching. The result, a pool of skilled technicians that can be flexed between various farm assignments within the district as the needs ebb and flow. read more

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