Field Solutions, Inc. - Similar companies

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Field Solutions, Inc.

Marketing and Advertising · Lake Forest, IL

Field Solutions executes field marketing programs throughout the world with our network of 30,000 field representatives. We h ... elp our clients reach and influence their consumers in retail stores and other locations where they live. MERCHANDISING -Build/service displays -Place and replenish point-of-sale materials -Shelf set/reset -Product Pick-ups/recalls -Product “stickering” (e.g. coupons, UPCs) FIXTURE INSTALLATIONS/STORE REMODELS/BUILD OUTS -Heavier duty merchandising/Installations -New store openings -Store / fixture retrofits RETAIL SALES/TRAINING/EDUCATION -Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) selling -Retail side-by-side selling -Retail sales rep training (“influence the influencer”) -In-store demos -Mystery Shopping -Communicate sales incentives/sweepstakes DATA COLLECTION/RESEARCH -Audits/Inventories -M&A Due Diligence support (SEC observed) -Custom Field Research (quantitative, qualitative) FIELD PROMOTION SERVICES Beyond retail stores our Field Promotion Services allow our clients to speak directly (one-on-one) with current and prospective consumers in those places where they live, work and relax. -High volume consumer intercept sample/promotion delivery (e.g., stadiums, events, commuter centers) -College Programs -Special/PR Events/Tours -Trade Shows -Door-to-Door Sample/Promotion Delivery SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT/PROMOTION We create and execute promotional or transactional “calls to action” with consumers so our clients can cultivate long term social relationships with them. Using proprietary (and addictive) computer/tablet/mobile “scratch off” promotion technology we are able to practically grow our client consumer databases through our retail and field promotional programs. Whether you want to drive people from social media to your stores or invite customers in your stores to follow you on social media we provide cutting edge ways of engaging consumers. read more

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