FERREXPO PLC - Similar companies

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Mining & Metals · Baar, Zug
Website: www.ferrexpo.com

Ferrexpo is the third largest exporter of iron ore pellets in the world, with high grade pellets enabling our steel producing ... customers to reduce carbon emissions by 40%. We are listed on the London Stock Exchange, are a member of the FTSE 250 and FTSE4Good Indices, and have a BBB rating from Environmental, Social and Governance ratings agency MSCI, placing Ferrexpo in the top 40% of companies assessed in the steel sector. Ferrexpo is a major contributor to the Ukrainian economy, generating 3% of the country’s export revenues in 2020. We are entering into a new growth phase of our development, with increased production and even higher grade product offerings, whilst simultaneously cutting our carbon footprint per tonne of pellets produced, with a commitment to net zero carbon emissions from our operations by 2050. read more

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