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Fenix Group SPC

Building Materials · Minnetonka, Minnesota
Website: www.fenixspc.com

In 1979, The Sierra Company set out to answer the most complex application challenges in the specialty performance coatings i ... ndustry. We developed leading-edge technology, building a reputation for solving problems no ‘off-the-shelf’ performance coating could touch. In 2017, believing that bringing together the best in the business would allow us to solve even more complex challenges, Sierra began acquiring other top industry brands, each with their own longstanding reputations for innovative excellence. Once united, in 2018, Sierra became Fenix Group. Fenix is a phonetic and Old French spelling of Phoenix. The Phoenix is a mythical bird that reaches a pinnacle in life, and is then reborn, more powerful, and better able to face new challenges in order to achieve new heights of success. For the Phoenix, every cycle of growth begins with stepping out of what was and rising up from what has been, strong and vibrant, to break through previous limits and achieve greater goals. For Fenix Group, every acquisition allows our company to rise up, better than before, able to meet new challenges and rise to greater heights. The fundamental nature of the Phoenix is rebirth. The fundamental nature of Fenix Group is making the impossible achievable. read more

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