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F.B. Packing

Wholesale ยท Boston, Massachusetts
Website: www.fbpacking.com

Frank Bertolino and F.B. Packing F.B. Packing started in Boston as Frank Bertolino Beef in 1960. Frank immigrated to the Unit ... ed States from Sicily where he was a fisherman. He and his father and two sisters moved here to start a new life for their family and made Boston their home. Frank started in the meat business upon arrival and started his own company soon afterwards. F.B. Packing was created in 1990 out of Frank Bertolino Beef, to sell pork to our already happy beef customers. By starting small and constantly responding to modern food trends, the company has experienced steady growth since the beginning. For more than 25 years, Frank's sons, Leo, Augustino, and Paul, all work together to further grow their product line offerings, innovate manufacturing and logistics operations, and continue the legacy that Frank started. Today, Leo's son Michael represents the third generation of the hard work and quality that the business is built on. read more

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