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Farmer Mac

Financial Services ยท Washington, D.C.

The Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, commonly known as Farmer Mac, is a stockholder-owned, government sponsored ent ... erprise or "GSE" created by Congress to improve the availability of long-term credit for America's farmers, ranchers, rural homeowners, businesses and communities. Farmer Mac accomplishes this public policy mission by providing a secondary market for qualified agricultural mortgage loans, rural housing mortgage loans, rural utilities loans (to cooperative borrowers made by cooperative lenders) and the guaranteed portions of agricultural and rural development loans guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Farmer Mac's programs provide participants with an efficient and competitive secondary market that enhances the participants' ability to offer eligible loans to farmers, ranchers, rural homeowners, rural communities and businesses. Additional information about Farmer Mac is available on the Corporation's website, Connect with us: read more

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