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Farleigh School

Primary/Secondary Education ยท Andover, Hampshire
Website: www.farleighschool.com

About: Farleigh School is a leading co-educational IAPS boarding and day Prep and Pre-Prep School of 460 children, aged 3 to ... 13, in the heart of the Test Valley in Hampshire. A place of energy and spirited enquiry, boys and girls of all abilities thrive in a warm and safe environment. Our Catholic ethos values every individual and we go to great lengths to ensure the fulfilment and happiness of every child. Outstanding boarding provision, value-added academic and social development, and excellent, individualised preparation ensures the successful transition to leading senior schools. Sport, art, DT, music and drama are pupil-centred and all-inclusive with countless opportunities to develop interests and discover talents. Pastoral care is inextricably linked to the structural organisation of the school, through the quality of teaching and learning, the exceptional relationships between staff and pupils, and between the pupils themselves. read more

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