Factor San Francisco - Similar companies

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Factor San Francisco

Marketing and Advertising · Oakland, California
Website: www.factorsf.com

We're an independent, 65-person creative agency based in San Francisco, with fully-remote talent working across the US, Canad ... a, and Europe. Some of the world's most iconic brands — including Google, YouTube, Salesforce, Coinbase, RingCentral, SurveyMonkey, and more — trust us to create beautiful, useful interactive experiences, integrated ad campaigns, and brand identities. We're a tightly-knit team of designers, writers, program managers, strategists, thinkers, dreamers, word nerds, and pixel perfectionists. All of us are seasoned agency veterans, with deep experience across nearly every vertical and media type. Our teams have delivered major campaigns for brands such as Nike, Apple, Google, eBay, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Hilton, Constellation Brands, Ubisoft Entertainment, Sega, Electronic Arts, and many, many more. Finally, we work as genuine partners to our clients, often working right alongside them during major projects. There is no room for egos at Factor; but there is plenty of room for people who are flexible, responsive, and the very best in their fields. So that's exactly who we hire. read more

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