Facade41, LLC - Similar companies

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Facade41, LLC

Construction ยท Brooklyn, New York
Website: www.facade41.com

Founded in 2015, Facade 41 is the US leg of Bisam, one of the largest and most experienced architectural facade specialist co ... mpanies in Europe. We have 15+ years of experience of bringing complex and graceful facade designs to life from residential buildings to hotels to government buildings with the capability of working simultaneously in various countries. We make customer satisfaction our priority, your design is very important for us. Facade41 provides the best solutions and the best options without changing your valued designs. Our in-house architectural and engineering department that consists of 35 colleagues, allow us to respond to any design question without going to another source. We know all the problems and difficulties that you might face in a building site. Facade41 comes up with solutions: - ERP (Enterprice Resource Planing) - Packing with Barcodes - Installation Manual - Easy installation- IKEA Methodology and Installation Guide - No extra operations in building site (cutting,punching,welding) - Lead Time read more

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