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Ezy-Fit Engineering Group

Mechanical or Industrial Engineering ยท Salisbury South, South Australia
Website: www.ezyfit.com.au

Ezy-Fit Engineering is a leading manufacturer of quality hydraulic cylinders and precision components for all industries incl ... uding Defence and Maritime. Our cylinders are fitted to some of the most advanced military ride control systems in the world such as those employed on the US Navy Littoral Combat Ships, Joint High Speed Vessels and Swedish Navy Visby Class Corvettes. Ezy-Fit have also produced many highly engineered items for Collins Class Submarines and other Australian Navy and Border Protection surface vessels, together with many items for the Offshore and Subsea Industry. We have over 25 years of experience in the field and have modern, state of the art CNC equipment capable of manufacturing from the smallest to the largest and most complicated cylinders and components in all forms of ferrous and non-ferrous materials including Super Duplex Stainless Steel, various Nickel Aluminium Bronze alloys and Titanium. We hold ISO9001-2015 QA with numerous approvals from most of the larger Classification Societies including Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (DNV-GL), Lloyds Register, American Bureau of Shipping and Bureau Veritas. read more

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