EWS Group Germany - Similar companies

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EWS Group Germany

Environmental Services · Bremen
Website: www.ewsgroup.de

EWS Group has six divisions to provide its broad and highly specialized services. These divisions are each active in a differ ... ent field: • EWS Gas measurement • EWS Fumigation • EWS Bio treatment • EWS Pest control • EWS Maritime & Logistics • EWS Fauna management EWS Group's head office is located in Werkendam, the Netherlands. In addition to its head office in the Netherlands, EWS has several European offices in Belgium, France, Austria, Spain, Italy, England and Germany. Mission and vision EWS Group's mission is to address customer concerns about bioinfestations and hygiene risks. Our vision is to achieve a leading position in the industry, together with our employees, through collaboration, innovations and transparent agreements with our clients. For more information about our services, contact us by phone via +31 852 10 05 81 or visit our website www.ews-group.de read more

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