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Every Investor

Financial Services · London, London
Website: www.everyinvestor.co.uk

everyinvestor.co.uk has been a valued personal finance website for more than fifteen years, providing news and insight into t ... he UK’s financial markets to private investors. Until the end of 2012 those with money to invest could rely on an IFA to provide financial advice and product recommendations paid for by providers through commission. But regulation included in 2012’s Retail Distribution Review means that people can no longer receive “free advice” from their IFA, prompting the need to give people a choice about how they run their finances. Many people are prepared to pay a fee for their IFA’s time. Others may not want, need or be able to afford financial advice. In fact research from professional services firm Deloitte suggests up to 5.5 million disenfranchised customers will either choose to cease using financial advisers or lack access to them as a result of the regulatory changes at the start of 2013. For this reason Every Investor relaunched in early 2013 as a hybrid website offering private investors practical financial planning tools and in depth news and analysis to help them make informed choices about their financial futures. The site is designed to put people in control of their money by giving them access to a simple budget planner and model investment portfolio builder. read more

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