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Evan's Metal Fab

Mining & Metals · Portland, OR
Website: www.evansmetalfab.com

Evans Metal Fabricators was founded in 1989 and today serves the Commercial and High Tech industries with Structural and Misc ... ellaneous steel sales nationally. EMF is a complete fabrication shop. We have over 80,000 sq. ft. dedicated to state-of-the-art Metal Processing. Our fabrication shop is capable of working with a variety of different metals including aluminum, carbon steel and stainless steel. We have a wide range of capabilities including: •Fabrication •High Precision Forming •Job Specific Forming •Architectural, Structural & Misc •Packaging & Shipping-Local, National and International •Fabricated Structural Steel •Ladders, Stairs and Handrails •Misc. Architectural Steel •Sheet Metal Fab read more

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