Eurosity (Sino-France Economic Cooperation Zone) - Similar companies

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Eurosity (Sino-France Economic Cooperation Zone)

Real Estate · Châteauroux, Centre

EuroSity, the first Sino-European integrated hub developed by SFECZ in Châteauroux, was inaugurated on June 11,2012 in the pr ... esence of Beijing Capital’s management, representatives of the Chinese Embassy in France, the Mayor of Châteauroux and president of the Castelroussine of Community of Cities, and various government officials of the department of Indre and the Centre region. At a time when France and China are working together to balance the trade volume between the two countries, Eurosity’s launch takes place in the context of developing prospects of Sino-European trade. EuroSity, which will extend over a term of 440 hectares with an investment about 2 billion Euros, is structured around three areas of cooperation: • Economic cooperation through its industrial, commercial and logistics platform; • R&D cooperation via research centers; • Academic cooperation via the international higher education center of Châteauroux. EuroSity will thus enable Chinese enterprises: - To make their production sites and their aftersales services more accessible to the vast market of 350-million European consumers; - To develop partnerships in order to improve the know-how and quality of their products and to strengthen their brand image. And EuroSity will enable European and French companies: - To create commercial and R&D partnerships with Chinese companies ; - To enhance the promotion of their know-how and their exports to China. Investments could translate into any of the following: production base; research unit; logistics unit; after sales service; representative office; Franco-European headquarters. read more

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