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Public Relations and Communications · Bruxelles, Belgium

Founded in 1959 as “CERP Education & Research”, in 2000 it turned to “EUPRERA” (European Public Relations Education and Resea ... rch Association). EUPRERA is an autonomous organisation that aims at stimulating and promoting innovative knowledge and practices of public relations education and research in Europe. EUPRERA cooperates with the most prominent PR associations, scientific journals and practitioners coming from different countries. In order to circulate new methodologies and research results, EUPRERA organizes its Annual Congress, every year in cooperation with a renowned university in Europe. The academic staff and researchers constitute the explicit public group of the association. However, it is equally essential for any practitioner who wants to keep informed about the most recent developments regarding fundamental and applied research and about the new trends in the educational field. Currently, nearly 500 members from 40 countries work together in several cross-national research and education projects. read more

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