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Esteem Hospice

Hospital & Health Care ยท Carrollton, Texas

Esteem Hospice is a licensed provider of hospice services in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area. Providing end-of-life c ... are to patients with a terminal diagnosis and prognosis of less than six months, Esteem Hospice team of professionals seek to meet the palliative needs of the patient and their primary care giver. Using an inter-discipline care of healthcare professionals including Medical Doctors, Registered Nurses, Social Workers, Spiritual Counselors, Certified Nurse Aides, as well as other therapies, Esteem seeks to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our patients. Esteem Is owned and operated by Esteem Healthcare Services, LLC, a Texas Healthcare Company owned by the Merchant Family. With over twenty years of successful hospice experience in Texas, the company is committed to providing exceptional services to their patients and their family. read more

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