We protect film & TV content online. We investigate and monitor. We enforce and escalate. We don’t just find illegal content ... - we take it down. And we help our clients to grow and defend the value of their content, globally. Our content protection and anti-piracy experts know the film & TV distribution chains inside out, back to front, and upside down – from international theatrical release to home entertainment, and beyond. Our work is led by the latest intelligence, focusing on what will have the most business impact. And we work as an extension of our clients’ teams, supporting them when and where they need us most. That’s why our very first client is still with us. Our team is a passionate group of film buffs & TV fans, and we're proud to help the film & TV industries to flourish, taking care of things so our clients can focus on creating and distributing world-class content. For more information, or to get to know us a little better, check out our website and blog. read more
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