EnSatt Consulting - Energy Choice - Similar companies

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EnSatt Consulting - Energy Choice

Utilities ยท New Haven, Connecticut
Website: www.energychoicenow.com

Through deregulation in the electric industry customers now have a choice of electric suppliers and they can choose the suppl ... ier with the lowest rate. EnergyChoice is here to provide customers with the best deals on the market. The goal of EnergyChoice is always to find the lowest rate supplier and offer their product directly to the customer. We can service Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Municipal customers. EnergyChoice is a licensed electric aggregator and not an electric supplier. That means EnergyChoice can aggregate customers (group together) and negotiate from a supplier for the best price. The customer benefits from the additional negotiating power of being included in a large number of other customers. This helps drive down the cost of electricity. When suppliers compete the customer wins and EnergyChoice is here to help the customer. Recently, the electric industry has been going through restructuring and deregulation with the goal of lowering cost to the customer. The time to save is now and by choosing EnergyChoice electric customers in Connecticut can save up to 20% on the cost of their electricity. They can do this with NO Commitments, NO credit checks, and NO interruptions in service. The host utility is still delivering the electricity to the customer and handling all the billing. The electricity would be provided by a low cost electric supplier through EnergyChoice and the only change the customer will notice is the savings. read more

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