Encompass Group, LLC - Similar companies

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Encompass Group, LLC

Hospital & Health Care · McDonough, GA
Website: www.encompassgroup.com

WHO WE ARE: The world’s leading manufacturer and marketer of reusable textiles, professional apparel, and disposable and sing ... le use medical products. WHAT WE BELIEVE: We believe every patient, resident, caregiver and family member should feel safe and comfortable in today’s healthcare environments. HOW WE DO IT: We enhance the healthcare experience for every stakeholder by developing innovative products that are reliably delivered and cost-effective for providers. THE RESULT: Encompass products are consistently recognized as the most innovative and reliable in the field by hospitals, patients, and caregivers alike, and our solutions are cost effective for all providers. WHY IT WORKS: For nearly a century, Encompass has been helping health care and hospitality organizations create safe and comfortable environments for patients, staff, residents and guests. By focusing on innovation, product knowledge and customer service, the company strives to meet the needs of its clients by always being first in safety and comfort. WHO WE SERVE: Markets served include Acute Care, Senior Living, Long-term Care, Professional Healthcare Apparel, Government Facilities, Healthcare Laundry OUR SECRET INGREDIENT: In addition to providing an extensive range of targeted health care/hospitality products, Encompass also assists its clients by offering a diverse portfolio of health care and hospitality focused services, including cost management programs, professionally certified continuing education courses, and sophisticated interior design capabilities. HOW TO CONTACT US: For more information, please visit us at www.encompassgroup.net, email us at info@encompassgroup.net, or call at (800) 284-4540 read more

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