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Emtunga Solutions AB

Oil & Energy · Goteborg, Västra Götaland
Website: www.emtunga.com

Emtunga Solutions AB is a leading EPC Contractor for complex industrial turnkey projects, based on a modular execution. We ar ... e specialized in building, assembling and installing accommodation and utility modules for offshore installations since 1974, and have developed a project execution model that makes us one of the most reliable and fastest Living Quarter supplier in the world. We have also extensive experience in pharmaceutical projects beginning when we was part of Pharmadule Emtunga. Given the fact that more than 50% of our employees have designed and build pharmaceutical facilities, this is a natural part of our portfolio where we see a potential for expansion the coming years. Main Products and Services: - Tailor-Made Living Quarters - Standardized Living Quarters Concept - Technical Modules - Standardized Cabin Units - Extensions & Refurbishments - After Sales - Engineering & FEED Support Services - Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities - Laboratories read more

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