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Emergent Systems

Information Technology and Services ยท Livonia, Michigan
Website: www.emergentsys.com

"Innovators... Builders... Problem solvers" Emergent Systems is a global engineering services and technology company serving ... the Automotive, Aerospace, and Consumer Products industries since 1999. Headquartered in Livonia, Michigan, Emergent Systems helps engineering and manufacturing companies design and engineer new products. We love to develop new products for ourselves and our customers. We also assist inventors by bringing their ideas to life through feasibility, design, engineering, and creative problem-solving. In addition, Emergent develops Auros, a first of its kind, Enterprise Knowledge Management software solution that propels engineering intensive companies into next-generation Knowledge Aware Processes. We use a broad suite of computer tools and technologies, including CAD and CAE/FEA tools to develop 3-D models of products and perform functional simulations to perform virtual testing for stress and strength using structural analysis and perform fluid flow and thermal analysis using CFD tools. Our technical staff includes designers and engineers who are familiar with tools such as Catia, UG NX, ProE, SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Ansys, Nastran, Moldflow, and others. We work on automotive products, as well consumer goods and industrial products. We deploy stringent engineering standards and are familiar with the quality and testing protocols prevalent in the engineering manufacturing industry. Working with us will surprise you! read more

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