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Emera Energy

Oil and Gas · Halifax, NS - Nova Scotia
Website: www.emeraenergy.com

Emera Energy's expert team provide tailored, 24/7 solutions and a wide range of natural gas and power products, along with en ... ergy management services to local distribution companies, gas producers, electric utilities, independent generation owners, load-serving entities, and other industrial consumers of natural gas and power. Emera Energy is a leading natural gas and power wholesale marketing and trading company. A provider of innovative and customized energy management services in North America. Led by an experienced team of industry executives, we currently have more then 70 employees in Canada and the USA. We are trusted by over 350 trading counter parties. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of Emera Inc. (TSX:EMA), headquartered in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Our trading business is 100% backed by Emera Inc.’s solid credit rating, offering our customers the financial stability of an investment grade counter party. read more

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