Ell Recruitment Limited is one of the leading specialist Scottish recruitment companies providing staff for the manufacturing ... and processing industries in Scotland, Germany and Iceland. Ell Recruitment Ltd have been operating in Scotland for more than thirteen years successfully working with the largest Scottish companies along with small and medium sized businesses. Ell Recruitment’s multi-lingual management team have a successful track record of providing staff locally and across Europe to meet the requirements of companies operating under the demanding circumstances of fluctuating supply chains with little lead time. Our team at Ell Recruitment Ltd are always on hand to discuss your staffing requirements. Tailored service to meet your needs 24/7 customer service High standard and flexible business management Over decade of experience in labour providing business Qualified and professional team support Trusted, reliable and successful business solution Contacts: COMPANY DIRECTOR: Margarita Naab +447789686545 ellrecruitment@yahoo.com DEVELOPMENT MANAGER: Aivaras Grigutis aivaras.grigutis@yahoo.com +447709847057 Company No. 298639 Vat REG No. GB 888 9580 34 Gangmasters Licence No. ELLR0001 (LT) Tarptautinė įdarbinimo agentūra, gyvuojanti daugiau kaip 13 metų ir sėkmingai bendradarbiaujanti su vienomis iš didžiausių pramonės įmonių Didžiojoje Britanijoje ir Islandijoje laikino ir pastovaus darbo teikimas verslui. Tinkama paslauga, atitinkanti jūsų poreikius 24/7 klientų aptarnavimas Aukštas standartas ir lankstus verslo valdymas Per dešimtmetį patirties darbo rinkoje Kvalifikuota ir profesionali komanda Patikimas ir sėkmingas verslo sprendimas read more
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