Element Engineering Group, LLC - Similar companies

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Element Engineering Group, LLC

Civil Engineering · Tampa, FL
Website: www.elementeg.com

If a design doesn’t work for the community, it simply doesn’t work. At ELEMENT, we care about design that makes the world a b ... etter place. -- Derek Gil, PE, President Element Engineering Group, LLC (ELEMENT) is an award-winning, certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), consulting firm that has served the engineering needs of public- and private-sector clients in the development of infrastructure since 2006. Our services and expertise include transportation design, traffic engineering and operations, structures design, stormwater design, civil and site design, surveying and mapping, subsurface utility engineering, utility coordination, and public involvement. Our efforts focus on providing quality services while maintaining high ethical standards with regard for the public, community, and the environment. Our dedicated staff of professionals offer a wealth of knowledge and expertise to create innovative proactive approaches for a wide variety of issues and concerns commonly encountered during the planning, design, and construction of transportation projects. read more

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