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Einstein Exchange

Financial Services ยท Vancouver, British Columbia
Website: einstein.exchange

We founded Einstein Exchange with the sole purpose of providing customers from Canada and the rest of the world a simple, sec ... ure and transparent method to invest in crypto-currency. Einstein is built, maintained and operated out of Canada; home of some of the most secure banks in the world. Please join us in our journey to create the world's safest exchange, completely designed for consumers like you. Einstein is fully transparent, we collaborate with global financial institutions, with regulatory agencies and engage in rigorous anti-money laundering (AML) and customer verification (KYC) policies. We provide real-time, 24/7 access to the crypto-currency markets for retail, institutional and corporate customers around the world (as permitted by national regulations). Canada's fastest growing digital currency exchange Low fees. Fast Deposits and Withdrawals & 24/7 Customer Support. read more

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