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Edge Global Inc.

Professional Training & Coaching · Dallas, Texas
Website: edgeglobalinc.com

We focus on three areas of sales training: Selling Customer Solutions We start with your understanding of your customer and g ... ive you a bird’s eye view from outside of your organization. Do you have a product/personality focused sales team? A foundational understand of customers and their needs are the first key in any sales success. Create a Solid Sales Process We assess your entire sale process from leads to closing to follow-up. Do you have a detailed sales process that you know by heart? A foundational process helps build rapport, and subsequently, uncovers information about what is working and what is not working. Build Customer Trust We teach sales skills specifically geared towards your team to bring you the best sales results. Are you getting customers that are loyal to your business? People buy based on their feelings, motives, and beliefs. Not yours. A fundamental understanding of this crucial paradigm marks the key difference between the good sales reps and the great ones. read more

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