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EDF Climate Corps

Environmental Services · New York
Website: edfclimatecorps.org

EDF Climate Corps is cultivating the next generation of sustainability professionals united to advance climate solutions. The ... first-of-its-kind fellowship program brings together an arsenal of top talent, resources and expertise in a variety of subject matters and industries to help organizations meet their climate and energy goals. Following their summer experience, which serves as a launching point to their careers, fellows gain access to an alumni network that facilitates lifelong learning and professional connections that empowers them to create impact at scales they couldn’t alone. • Since the program’s inception in 2008, we’ve placed over 950 graduate students into more than 460 organizations spanning the U.S. and China. • EDF Climate Corps fellows have identified 2.1 million metric tons of CO2 reductions, 3 billion in annual kWh reductions and identified more than $1.6 billion in energy savings. • Since 2014, we’ve embedded nearly 60 fellows into over 20 companies in China, including Walmart, New Balance and Coca-Cola, and Chinese-owned companies like BYD, AAC Technologies and Changhong. • The EDF Climate Corps network - now over 1700 members strong - has over 800 alumni in 36 states and 34 countries. • Nearly 70% of employed alumni work in sustainability or energy-related fields, and roughly 1 in 8 are in director level positions or above. read more

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