EDC - Engineering Design Consultants Ltd - Similar companies

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EDC - Engineering Design Consultants Ltd

Construction ยท London, England
Website: edcengineers.com

EDC is a leading engineering company specialising in environmental, sustainable, electrical and mechanical engineering servic ... es for a broad range of clients in a variety of sectors including pharmaceutical, industrial, commercial and residential. Mechanical and Electrical services can account for a significant proportion of the cost of modern buildings, and the provision of building services has become increasingly complex and challenging. Therefore we seek to satisfy customer needs by providing cost-effective creative design solutions. We are industry innovators. Not content with keeping up with other Engineering Consultancies, we aim to stay two steps ahead. This means that your project will be driven by forward-thinking experts using advanced technology solutions. We believe that in engineering, you must be ready to change and adapt. We ensure that our team is capable of working on a range of projects, and we are excited by new and intriguing engineering challenges. We see you as a partner, not as a client. It is our mission to ensure that you feel included in and satisfied with every step of the process. We work in close partnership with you ensure your vision is realised to the highest standard, on time and within budget. As forward-thinking engineering consultants, we plan for all eventualities on your project, fostering a culture of creativity and readiness. This means we are always prepared for change and improvement. We are ambitious, not just as a company, but also for our employees and our clients. We want to see our employees continue to grow and develop in their expert field so that we can aim for the best with our clients. read more

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