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EastGen Inc.

Dairy ยท Guelph, ON
Website: www.eastgen.ca

EastGen leads the dairy industry with unmatched genetic innovation, leading edge technology and advanced reproductive solutio ... ns. We constantly challenge ourselves to advance the dairy industry. EastGen has the best-trained, most knowledgeable staff in dairy genetics. Partnering with EastGen gives you the products and programs to meet your specific genetic goals. Treating customers with respect and integrity is the foundation of our business. EastGen is accountable to farmers first. YOU CAN TRUST YOUR HERD'S FUTURE TO EASTGEN. EastGen's administrative head office is located north of Guelph, Ontario, and services customers in Ontario, New Brunswick, PEI and Newfoundland. EastGen along with Canadian partner organizations CIAQ and WestGen, are the proud owners of Semex. Started by farmers and still owned by farmers, Semex is the fastest growing company in today's genetic solution market. read more

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