Eastern York School District is a rural community located in eastern York County. With a general population of approximately ... 17,000, our five schools house a total of 2850 students. Our socio-economic characteristics range mainly from low to middle class with 23.2% of our school population qualifying for free or reduced price lunches. Being a rural community, we have very little industry within the district. Our tax base is composed mostly of residential units. The largest industry is Donsco, a metals foundry. The majority of our students, 70% to 85%, test in the low-middle to top range of the state tests in reading and math. Graduation rates average 95% annually. Last year, 76.1% of our graduates moved on to higher education. The district is strong in the areas of agricultural science and technology. One of the many challenges facing Eastern York School District is the growth of housing developments within our boundaries. We currently have two modular classrooms in use and are expecting enrollment to continue increasing. We completed construction on a state of the art high school in 2008 and look forward to future renovation projects for two elementary buildings. School Organization The building organizational structure of the district is elementary (K-5), Middle School (6-8), and High School (9-12). Within that structure, the educational program is organized as: K-2: Primary Program 3-5: Intermediate Program 6-8: Middle School Program 9-12: High School Program The planned courses of instruction and the assessment programs are matched to the state requirements for primary, intermediate, middle school, and high school. The district benchmarks and local assessments have been developed for K-12 according to the PA Academic Standards. read more
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