Eastern Music Festival, Inc. - Similar companies

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Eastern Music Festival, Inc.

Music · Greensboro, North Carolina
Website: easternmusicfestival.org

For six decades, Eastern Music Festival (EMF), a nationally recognized classical music festival and summer educational progra ... m, is produced each summer on the campus of Guilford College and other venues in the Greensboro, North Carolina, area. EMF is distinguished by its accomplished faculty, exhilarating repertoire, and world-renowned visiting artists under the artistic direction of Gerard Schwarz. A powerful teaching institution, EMF provides encouragement and guidance to hundreds of young musicians from across the country and around the globe as they take their first steps towards careers in the performing arts. EMF’s five-week 61st season is June 25 – July 30, 2022. For more information, visit easternmusicfestival.org. Follow EMF on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. read more

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