East Maine School District 63 - Similar companies

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East Maine School District 63

Education Management · Des Plaines, IL
Website: www.emsd63.org

Teaching excellence based on each student's needs • A focus on the whole child • A multicultural perspective that celebrates ... diversity and enhances education • An integral part of Maine Township, building strong partnerships that benefit students, families, and the community. East Maine School District 63 offers a rich learning environment to more than 3,600 students in Des Plaines, Niles, Morton Grove, Glenview, and Park Ridge at six elementary schools (PreK-6), and a junior high school (grades 7-8). Committed to providing all students with the specific opportunities they need to succeed and thrive, District 63 schools, First Steps Preschool, and Expanded Learning Program foster each child’s academic, social, emotional, and behavioral growth and achievement. read more

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