Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA) - Similar companies

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Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA)

Mental Health Care ยท Portland, OR
Website: www.easacommunity.org

The Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA) provides information and support to young people who are experiencing sympto ... ms of psychosis for the first time. We are a network of early intervention programs that serves 19 counties throughout the state of Oregon. Our clinical teams work to identify young people ages 12-25 who have had their first experience with psychosis within the last 12 months and to provide the information and support they need to continue on their normal life path. EASA clinical teams work to achieve the following: - Identify people who are experiencing psychosis as early as possible; - Establish a trusting relationship based on respect and genuine belief in the person's ability; - Provide a comprehensive and accurate assessment of the person's medical condition, strengths, goals and needs; - Stabilize the person's symptoms and living situation; - Preserve the person's family and informal support; - Help the person and family develop the skills, knowledge and social support needed to be successful in managing the condition in the long-run; - Successfully transition young people to ongoing supports and services in the community; - Continually solicit the learning of those we serve and integrate that knowledge into program development. Some of the services offered by EASA include: - Rapid access to psychiatric and counseling services; - Education about causes, treatment, and management of psychosis; rights in employment, school and housing; and resources; - Support for vocational, educational, and independent living goals; - Mentor and volunteer opportunities; - Events which are both educational and fun in nature! EASA receives funding from the Oregon Health Plan, private insurance, individual donors, state services, and private foundations. Thanks to the invaluable support of our donors, most of our services are free. Please visit our website for more information. read more

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