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2e2 Consulting

Information Technology and Services ยท Rijswijk
Website: www.logicalissmc.com

On 4 March 2013 2e2 Consulting was acquired by the Logicalis Group. We warmly endorse this acquisition because our specialist ... Service Management offering is a perfect fit for the portfolio of Logicalis. What's more, our services will now also be offered in countries in which Logicalis is already established, including the UK, Australia, China, the US, Germany and parts of South America. 2e2 Consulting has therefore changed its name to Logicalis SMC (Service Management Consulting) with effect from 4 March and will be acting as the Center of Excellence of IT Service Management and IT4IT within the Logicalis Group. We are proud to continue to offer our full range of services under this new name. Please visit our new Logicalis SMC Company Profile! read more

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