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Dycem USA

Facilities Services · Smithfield, Rhode Island
Website: dycemusa.com

Established in 1966, Dycem is a world-leading manufacturer of contamination control mats and flooring. We are a global organi ... zation with headquarters in Warwick, Rhode Island, USA and Bristol, England. We also have offices in Muntinlupa City, Philippines and The Woodlands, Texas, as well as contamination control specialists on the ground in all major hubs across the world. Dycem manufactures a technically sound and proven contamination control solution. Impregnated with Biomaster antimicrobial technology and manufactured to an optically smooth finish, Dycem’s polymeric mats and flooring can capture and retain up to 99.9% of both foot and wheel-borne contamination and up to 75% of airborne contamination. In addition to this, the product’s antimicrobial properties help inhibit the growth of over 20 organisms on contact, including E.Coli, Salmonella, Listeria, plus many more. read more

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