Dutch Currency Association (DCA) - Similar companies

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Dutch Currency Association (DCA)

Machinery Manufacturing · Venlo
Website: www.dcaholland.com

Dutch Currency Association By joining forces the individual companies within the Dutch Currency Association are enabled to ex ... pand their market positions by working on a professional joint profiling. The aim is to organise own events more frequently and to jointly participate in international events. Mission It is the mission of the Dutch Currency Association to advice Central Banks and Printing Works on a variety of topics that are of importance in the fields of cash management and cash operations. The Dutch Currency Association members can meet the needs of Central Banks and Printing Works within the different stages of ‘The life cycle of currency’. Target The strategy of the Dutch Currency Association should lead to achieving the following target: To stimlate sales and employment of all firms in the currency cluster by generating sales leads and subsequent contracts. Strategy For the Dutch Currency Association to be successful a joint profiling in communication is developed by using nation branding. Joint promotion results in a significant strengthening of communication and attention value at any event. There is a clear common message to be propagated and the Dutch Currency Association is enabled to combine their specialist knowledge on a worldwide scale. read more

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