Dublin and Dun Laoghaire ETB - Similar companies

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Dublin and Dun Laoghaire ETB

Education Management · Tallaght, Dublin
Website: www.ddletb.ie

Dublin and Dún Laoghaire ETB was established on 1st July 2013 under the Education and Training Boards Bill 2012, as an amalga ... mation of County Dublin VEC and Dún Laoghaire VEC. It has a corporate structure which is made up of a democratically appointed committee and a management (executive) team. The administrative area covered by DDLETB reaches from Balbriggan in North County Dublin, to Dún Laoghaire in South County Dublin and Lucan in West County Dublin. The services we provide include Primary level education, Second level education, Further Education and Training and Youthreach in addition to other community based education programmes and services. All services are delivered at local level. Dublin and Dún Laoghaire ETBs target clients are: ◦ Students and/or their parents/guardians ◦ Adult learners ◦ Communities throughout the County ◦ Young people and volunteers ◦ Applicants and grant recipients under the various student support schemes administered directly by the ETB ◦ Voluntary and Sporting Organisations Our Head Office is based at 1 Tuansgate, Belgard Square East, Tallaght, Dublin 24 read more

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