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Dr. Sauer & Partners

Civil Engineering ยท London
Website: www.dr-sauer.com

More than 30 years ago, in Austria, Dr. Gerhard Sauer founded a tunnelling consultancy. The company soon opened subsidiaries ... in North America and the United Kingdom and began offering design and consulting services for tunnel projects around the globe. These firms have since become renowned as worldwide leaders in tunnel engineering. As the firm has grown, so have its services. Today, a full range of cost-effective and innovative tunnelling solutions are provided using the New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM), also known as Sequential Excavation Method (SEM) or Sprayed Concrete Lining (SCL). The benefits of such were quickly embraced by owners and contractors alike, and today Dr. Sauer & Partners is recognised as one of the leading consultants for design and construction supervision of tunnels and underground structures. The company performs feasibility studies, tunnel refurbishment, design checks, design and construction supervision as well as project management and risk management services for tunnelling projects in a variety of environments. Since 1980 we have designed and constructed highway and railway tunnels, underground stations, water. waste water and utility tunnels globally. We design tunnels for urban and rural areas and in any type of geology, including soft ground, mixed-face conditions and hard rock. read more

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