DMK ELITE NETWORKING - Similar companies

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Events Services · Dublin, CA

Donisia Marquis-Knight for over a decade had proven here dedication to serve her clientele with the utmost sincerity and ethi ... cal real estate service. Achieving true distinction can only come from years of dedication and success. The DMK Elite Networking was founded. Her vision is to provide essential tools to help anyone and everyone grow a business through Networking, Mentoring, Business Planning, Strategic Marketing, Social Media, Fundraising, and Community Involvement. She provides support and quality connections that results to success stories on a daily basis. Donisia build strong alliances and friendship because she cares without limits. She takes the cultures of the Caribbean “” The Village Concept and spread love as the most important tool. She continued her journey in Real Estate with flying colors, keeping up with her motto-””Making Real Estate Impossibilities-Possibilities, All day. Everyday. She is recognized as one of the most influential figures all over the Bay Area. read more

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