Located in the heart of Oslo city, Dinner is a favorite among many, from lovers of traditional Szechuan and Cantonese cooking ... to those venturing to try Chinese food for the first time. Dinner’s roots lie in the dream of 3 brothers to share the best of their heritage with an innovative twist. Through hard work, skilled chefs, traditional recipes, and one big dream, Dinner opened its doors to the Norwegian public the year of 1989. Over the past 22 years, it has evolved into one of the most well known restaurants in Oslo, and perhaps in all of Norway. Today, Dinner has ca. 80 employees, many of which have been with the restaurant for 10 years and others ever since it first opened. Most of the dishes that brought Dinner to fame are still on the menu, and even follow the original recipe. The restaurant with seating for up to 184, is divided into two levels and two private rooms. Dinner has received national acclaim in Aftenposten, Dagbladet, Dagsavisen, Citiguide Concierge and IN Magasinet, as well as International acclaim in Michelin Guide and Fodor’s. read more
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