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Dictate Media

Marketing and Advertising · Hillside, New Jersey
Website: www.dictatemedia.com

We have served leading technology and B2B companies globally who want a deeper level of relationship and operational efficien ... cy in order to realize new customer acquisition capabilities. We have pioneered in offering prospect data and intelligence, event participation management, lead generation, lead qualification, lead nurturing, and marketing automation support to companies desiring enhanced lead management capabilities. We are an Information Technology Enabled Services organization emphasizing on executing Lead Generation, Appointment Generation, Content Syndication & Email Marketing programs. We are pay for performance organization, we provide the following Lead Generation campaigns :- MQL - Marketing Qualified Lead HQL - High Quality Lead SQL - Sales Qualified Lead Our Information Technology services: • Social Media Marketing. • SEO/ SEM. • Web Hosting. • Web Design and Development. • Application and Software Development. Our Team consists of highly motivated, widely knowledgeable and experienced experts, to enable our clients in making savvy financial Deals and Advertising QUALIFIED Leads. read more

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