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Derecktor Shipyards

Maritime Transportation · Mamaroneck, NY

Derecktor Shipyards is known worldwide for producing more than two hundred and fifty high quality aluminum yachts and commerc ... ial vessels. With locations in New York, Maine and Florida, Derecktor effectively services the most trafficked areas of the eastern seaboard. With a rich history of boatbuilding since 1947, Derecktor Shipyards today offers new construction of custom luxury yachts and commercial vessels as well as full service, repair and re-fit capabilities. Derecktor is known for building technically demanding vessels, ranging from America’s Cup winning racing sailboats to large high-speed ferries. Recent projects include construction of the 39 meter off-shore terminal supply tug “Independence” and the high profile 85.6 meter Tim Heywood designed motor yacht “Cakewalk V” , the largest yacht ever built in United States when measured by volume. The Florida yard is the pre-eminent mega-yacht repair and service facility in the southeast USA. read more

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