Democratic Youth Coalition - Similar companies

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Democratic Youth Coalition

Political Organization ยท San Francisco

The Democratic Youth Collective (DYC) is a grassroots student-activist coalition of young democrats who are working to help e ... lect candidates passionate about serving the American public, encouraging youth voter turnout, and helping other young people increase their overall civic engagement through outreach campaigns. We work on specific projects designed to further these goals, such as our educational issue-based events and youth-focused campaigns. DYC also conducts interviews and debates with local politicians in order to give a platform to those who truly want to bring positive change to their community. Through the use of polls and preferendums, our team successfully relays information about youth opinion of democratic policies and candidates. The youth vote is extremely important, not only for presidential elections, but for all future elections, and our work will ensure that the Democratic party continues to receive strong youth and student engagement. Apply to be part of our team: National Staff Application: Executive Team Application: read more

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