DeGroote Finance & Investment Council (DFIC) - Similar companies

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DeGroote Finance & Investment Council (DFIC)

Investment Management ยท Hamilton, Ontario

The DeGroote Finance & Investment Council ("DFIC") has merged McMaster's largest finance-related clubs: the McMaster Investme ... nt Council and the DeGroote Finance Association. DFIC is now the only club focused solely on providing career workshops, learning seminars, networking opportunities, and stock pitches to McMaster students. DFIC aims to be a resource to all students who wish to seek a career in "finance" (Buy/Sell-Side, Consulting, Fortune 500, Corporate Law) and to endorse all finance-related activities at McMaster University. Our main goal is to provide members with adequate resources to succeed in the competitive finance industry. The association operates under the DeGroote Commerce Society and is sponsored by the DeGroote School of Business, and supported by the Center for Business Career Development, and led by a team of undergraduate business students. read more

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