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Dee Electronics

Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing ยท Cedar Rapids, Iowa

*We Help Equipment Manufacturers Find Solutions and Exceed Their Goals* Equipment Manufacturers (OEM's) need client-centric a ... nd highly trusted advocate suppliers that proactively care about and cater to their Needs, Problems, and Goals -- first and foremost vs. suppliers that want to sell things. DEE uniquely fills this role where our Equipment Manufacturer Clients can develop a close relationship with us and place a large amount of Trust in us to proactively create ***Cost Savings***, help them meet major Goals, and Solve Challenging Problems you just cannot get from other Suppliers. DEE is a Value-Creation Integrator that provides Equipment Manufacturers: Assemblies Harness Assemblies Control Panel Assemblies Electrical assemblies and subassemblies and turnkey assemblies Custom Components Distribution Services Component Sourcing and Importation worldwide Sophisticated Logistics Value-Added Services Supplier Reduction services End of Life Services Support ----- all with incredibly high responsiveness, trusted Quality, and unparalleled Flexibility. ***Cost Savings Services and Guarantee*** DEE drives more Cost Savings Than Any other Supplier our Clients work with, Pound for Pound, and we Guarantee It Every Year. ***Supplier Reduction Services and Guarantee*** DEE is critical tool for our clients to dramatically reduce their Supplier Base without increasing cost, and DEE will guarantee the results. ***We solve your Toughest Problems that Cannot be Solved*** We are told by our clients that "DEE solves problems that others can't or do not want to." From our perspective, DEE is a Client-centered Value-Creation Integrator that is focused on solving important problems read more

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