Decorah and Cresco Bank & Trust Company - Similar companies

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Decorah and Cresco Bank & Trust Company

Banking ยท Decorah, Iowa

Established in 1935 during the depression by a small group of concerned citizens. Today we are a 2nd and 3rd generation famil ... y owned bank that is able to think differently because we're not owned by outside investors at a far-away headquarters. By being family and employee owned we're able to be uniquely responsive to customer and community needs and make every effort to do our part to help our communities remain healthy and a great place to live. We believe in being a good steward of the environment. From our energy conservation and eco-friendly efforts, we are taking steps to be good to mother earth. This also benefits our customers and employees with cleaner air to breath and more eco-friendly services to enjoy. Member FDIC & an Equal Housing Lender For Your Safety! Never disclose your financial information such as an account number on Facebook. If you have specific questions about your banking relationship, please call us at 563-382-9661 (Decorah) or 563-547-2244 (Cresco). read more

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